My feedback
12 results found
22 votes
Have you tried any other browsers? I’m not able to reproduce in Safari or Chrome, looking into why it might be occurring…
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous supported this idea ·
3 votes
Right now, you can leave status updates/messages on your activity wall and your allies can see them and respond to them (and leave their own messages for you there). Let us know if that works!
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
This is one of the drawbacks to having all activity (completion of powerups, etc.) show up in the status stream. The relative usefulness of the status update as a tool for communicating between allies and heroes has been reduced. Some sort of feature differentiating between routine records of completion and real communications would be helpful.
6 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
29 votes
Thanks for the suggestion! I’ve sent it on to our power pack director for review. :)
Anonymous supported this idea ·
19 votes
Hey there!
Thanks so much for your feedback. We know the ally interface needs work, and it is on our list for improvement. If you have any specific suggestions, please let us know! Thank you!
Jessica.Anonymous supported this idea ·
254 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
There's a problem here for allies as well. During the beta, my status updates were almost all from me about the state I was in, etc. It helped cue my allies as a whole. While I like having a record of what I've accomplished, it overwhelms the activity with stuff that's largely routine (like drinking a glass of water as a powerup). Ii no longer do personal updates because I know my allies would never wade through everything to see them.
2 votes
Anonymous supported this idea ·
20 votes
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the feedback. We’ll keep this in mind!
Anonymous supported this idea ·
218 votes
We’re having a gigantic meeting about how to make Power Packs more awesome, and are definitely considering enabling people to create their own Power Packs. It’s quite tricky/costly to develop, though, so we’re considering a model where you could pay some small amount of money to create your own Power Pack (complete with custom quest sequences, power-ups, bad guys, and icons), and then a slightly larger amount of money to create a Power Pack that you could then share with your friends and family.
In terms of random quests – we love that idea too! We’ll definitely be discussing it at our meeting :)
Anonymous supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
BRILLIANT suggestions! I recently downloaded a power pack and really liked how completion of one quest can unlock another. Being able to do that at the individual level would be great. Equally awesome is the suggestion for random/sporadic quests. One of the best things about having allies is the excitement that comes with a new suggestion pops up out of the blue. It's highly motivating and would be a great addition at the individual level as well.
13 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous commented
I agree, but I would prefer to have a button to click if we want to incorporate them as powerups (rather than have it happen automatically). Like Anonymous's comment, I was several levels up before I knew the Level Moves existed.
2 votes
Anonymous shared this idea ·
69 votes
We’re working on including a small lightning bolt icon that you can click to quickly indicate completion from the list view. We had to make it two initially due to issues we saw in user testing where people would double click and accidentally complete a quest without even seeing what it was :)
Anonymous shared this idea ·
This has been an ongoing problem for me as well. Just bullets. Firefox on Windows. With internet Explorer there is an enormous bullet with a shadow of the icon behind it.