Make comments made by allies stand OUT
Right now I am mostly aware of my allies making encouraging comments via e-mail. I'd like to actually see them on the site. But to see their comments I have to scroll through my own activity (sometimes a depressing activity) and carefully investigate if any of the "comment" links have become little links that say "1 comment" this is a very small difference. I don't want to see what I have done nearly as much as I'd like to see if someone had anything to say about it. I wish that comments were automatically expanded and made to stand out either via 1) avatars, indenting, a color background... SOMETHING that would make them POP out of my activity without my having to feel pathetic hunting for something that often isn't there.

Anonymous commented
I totally agree! Presently, I have an ally that left 2 comments for me on Sunday. And I have NO IDEA which posts she commented on. I've tried scrolling my Activity feed but it seems endless at times and I STILL haven't found them. On one she says my victory inspires her to fight that bad guy. Which bad guy? Even if the emails would have the original post with them it would help. Or if the link to Reply took us to the actual post so we could apply. Otherwise we have to scroll and scroll and hope we find it. I still haven't!
Kella commented
Agreed, a system for comment notification would be really helpful. I love leaving little comments for my allies but they have no idea that they received them without scrolling and checking every little number. If there were already comments there, you also have to remember how many in order to recognize that a change has happened.
Kendra Walton commented
I didn't even notice the notifications on the "Like" and "Comments" in the activity feed. Perhaps a different color?
saar.miri1 commented
I fully agree. It would be great to see all allies comments in one place
Sebastian Osterbrink commented
what I would really like is a button which hides all auto generated status posts or posts without a comment. Something like "only active posts" or "only bad guys" or "only quest posts" or something like that.
My activity wall includes lots of auto generated posts which only say "I used this power-up" and the important stuff vanishes under a whole mountain of posts like that. -
Anonymous commented
I read all of the comments and see lots of great ideas about this issue. Why not have an in game mailbox similar to a mailbox in a dating website or an online RPG ?
Friends, Allies and others can mail you directly in game. We would not want spam in our personal email boxes. It could also bring the comments to the surface easier if the interface cannot change easily to pop them out. The mailbox with a number like couchsurfing. -
JT commented
Try ctrl+F and type in "1 comment". The page search engine in your browser will automatically highlight all instances. At least, Google Chrome does so. Works like a charm. However, it is a valid point you are making and it would be nice to have something done about it. Perhaps the posts with new comments could be made to appear at the top when they are not read yet?
emma commented
AdminSarah Dopp (Admin, SuperBetter) commented
This is a great point! Thanks for all the ideas!
Julia commented
An alternative might be just an or highlight of some sort to indicate new comments exist, and where. That may be there & I'm just missing it; it's my first day on the site - if it's there, I'll spot it tomorrow, I'm sure. But I do a ton of posting for myself, and my wonderful allies can & do comment anywhere at any time...
Mary commented
For the email specifically, I wish the link wasn't just to our headquarters but to the post my ally commented on. Maybe if each post was an anchor (like
Mary commented
I wish the post my ally comments on were an anchor link. Then the link in the email could "jump" straight to the context of the comment and the comment itself.
Anonymous commented
ALSO I'd like the program to identify which ally gave me which reward, and view the details of the reward. There is a text box for allies to describe the reward, but not a place for the hero to read the description.
FangAili commented
I can't figure out the Ally stuff at all. I apparently have two allies right now, but only one shows up when I go to the little "Ally" tab at the top. I only know I have another ally because he appears when I click "Allies" on the left when I'm on the Hero screen (but my first ally isn't there!). Anyway, there just doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to the user interface, and I'm getting really frustrated. I, too, don't want to scroll through my last 100 posts to figure out where my ally left a comment.
Anonymous commented
There's a problem here for allies as well. During the beta, my status updates were almost all from me about the state I was in, etc. It helped cue my allies as a whole. While I like having a record of what I've accomplished, it overwhelms the activity with stuff that's largely routine (like drinking a glass of water as a powerup). Ii no longer do personal updates because I know my allies would never wade through everything to see them.
steve graham commented
I agree -- this is a source of frustration -- to get an email and then want to see it in context, but have a hard time finding the change. Highlighting changes since you last viewed your activity would help a lot (think unread email). Another possibility would be to re-position any activity entry to the top of the list when an ally has commented on it or "liked" it.