android app (or mobile web view)
I would really love to have an android app (or a mobile-friendly webpage, with fewer graphics and an uncluttered interface). Sometimes, it doesn't work for me to sit down in front of a computer to use SuperBetter (as one of the things I'm struggling with is RSI, on my bad days when I really need a power-up or two it's not always good for me to do).
I’m incredibly excited to announce that we’ve released an updated and available on the Google play store!
We will be supporting this app going forward. Thank you so much for your support. The new team that’s taken over SuperBetter is so humbled to be helping make SuperBetter more available to the world.
Anonymous commented
Android: yes please!
Anonymous commented
I want to play superbetter on my android phone!
Anonymous commented
I just watched ted talks and found out about super better i would like to have this app so it could help me with my issues. But found out is only avalibe on ios and not android! Why?!
Anonymous commented
I just watched the TED talk and found out about this wonderful project. Thank you everybody involved for doing this!
I'd actually much prefer a mobile-friendly webpage that would work not only for Android devices but also for smartphones running on Symbian, Windows phone etc. -
Anonymous commented
Would love to hear when an Android app is available! Keep up the good work guys!!!
Oda commented
Make an android app. That would be totally amazing. :)
Anonymous commented
Would really love an Android app!
Tanya Dorak commented
android app would most definitely be appreciated and well used. It would also allow you to reach way more people who use mobile computing as their main computing type.
Bruno commented
i use android too ! please app
I work for a behavioral health care management organization, and am planning to use Super Better with the children and youth. please create an android app for me.
Also, could we have an extra challenge that we are working on besides the disease catagories? Loss would be good- or just Challenge- miscelleneous. I don't like to use the pathology- illness language with kids. Even the feds call it a "disturbance"... Serious Emotional Disturbance. SED
Anonymous commented
Yes, pleeeeaaase! Android app ftw :)
irawrsomestuff commented
A SuperBetter Android app would definitely be brilliant!! It'd be really helpful for me and many others that maybe arn't so organised so they can just check up on their superbetter profile as and when they can :D !!!!
stephen commented
Android app please!
stephen commented
Android app please!
Heather Mingo commented
I have multiple android devices and having an android app will be so beneficial, beyond explanation.
alicorn894 commented
Please develop so SB can travel all the time!
Anonymous commented
Yes please!
Cindy commented
Android app please!
FAINA commented
I hear there is an android superbetter app....where can I find if?
psikopat commented
We want superbetter on android!!