android app (or mobile web view)
I would really love to have an android app (or a mobile-friendly webpage, with fewer graphics and an uncluttered interface). Sometimes, it doesn't work for me to sit down in front of a computer to use SuperBetter (as one of the things I'm struggling with is RSI, on my bad days when I really need a power-up or two it's not always good for me to do).
I’m incredibly excited to announce that we’ve released an updated and available on the Google play store!
We will be supporting this app going forward. Thank you so much for your support. The new team that’s taken over SuperBetter is so humbled to be helping make SuperBetter more available to the world.
Anonymous commented
You need an android app!!!! I'm pretty sure I read couple months ago that it would be released June 2014 or July's August! please get it!!!
Erin commented
This is ridiculous, you make a post in 2012 regarding your new Apple version of the Superbetter app but two years later still don't have an Android app?!?! I think this speaks for itself.... need an android app or youre going to lose super heroes. ..
Ly commented
Superbetter is really helpful to me!!! It is a great support in dificult times! Big thanks for that!
...It would be so much easier and working out better to have an app to check in and report stuff inmediantly. Please, please make one! =) -
acrobat commented is worth checking out while waiting for the SuperBetter android app. They have an android app, and a gild for members who are combining habitrpg with superbetter.
Simone Smith commented
I love using SuperBetter and it has really been helping me, I'm on the go a lot and sometimes don't have access to a real computer for weeks at a time, just my android phone. I feel I would use SuperBetter even more if I had it with me on my phone all of the time.
Ashley commented
I would be able to check in. Make progress. Keep track of things. It would be so useful and so, so helpful... All of the people that I know that use SuperBetter also use Android phones. It would be so easy to check in, to be a good ally, and to be checked in on. So helpful...
Haymond Lam commented
An android app would be fantastic. I would definitely use this everyday!
Cameron commented
An android app would be awesome, having the game just on my laptop greatly reduces its accessability.
Anonymous commented
I look forward to the android app for me to change my life into as being as motivated as when I am playing games!
Anonymous commented
I would use SuperBetter more religiously if you had an android app. I can't be at a computer all the time so having access to my SuperBetter dashboard in an android friendly app would make all the difference in the world.
Anonymous commented
I would like to see an android app for this. I was so excited to hear about the app, since I have depression and wanted to try it out.
Anonymous commented
Having had a TBI, I can see great value in having Super Better App. Do it for the health of your consumers. They'll live longer and ultimately need your services longer.
Anonymous commented
I would absolutely love an android app. It would make a huge difference in my life.
Anonymous commented
An android app would mean the world to me. I'd use Superbetter way more often. Please? =)
Anonymous commented
Please make this! I tried Superbetter before, but really wanted to be able to access it on the go!
Gothknits commented
Need the Android app...please. I have MS and this looks like just what I need. Some days being on the laptop isn't an option for me.
sarah commented
Pretty please?
Larissa Smith commented
Do you have an Android app yet? I thought I saw it was supposed to be coming out this month. Any ideas on when that will be?
Marty Reames commented
I loved playing SuperBetter on my iPhone; however, now that I've upgraded my phone to an Android phone, I miss playing the game. The tools SuperBetter has given me to improve my life, tackle challenges, and aid my friends has been incredible. As I don't turn on my computer very often, the last couple of months I've pretty much fallen off the site. I look forward to the day SuperBetter will be available on my new phone. I hope that day isn't too far in the future....
Alexandra Malan commented
I really would like to start this game! I want to get better and I would like to be a coach one day and use positive psychology, this might be the right way to start!