Deepening the Secret Identity
I'd like to start this message by saying that I adore the concept of this website and I've been surprised just how quickly (and almost instinctually) I have been able to embrace the act of gaming in real life, though I've had a "secret identity" of sorts for a while, now. One of the things that really sparked my imagination a few years back was beginning to envision myself as a separate person to which I could empathize with - she became a heroine to the exaggerated form of my own story. That heroine changed just as I did, as my priorities and knowledge shifted me.
This is why I'd love to see a more intricate set of options for the secret identity feature. The secret identity, which represents the truth we feel within us that isn't necessarily true to the external world, is a complex idea. But in games and in our heads, most people's heros are not the perfected examples of us; they are perfect examples of a fully developed, three-dimensional character - with flaws, fears, challenges, and strengths. They exist in a world of more extreme representations of the challenges we face in real life. But until we actually ask questions about this hero, we may feel uncertain about our secret identity's, well, identity - and this can make it difficult to vividly imagine ourselves as our hero in the moments we really need to ask ourselves what they would do.
SO, I would suggest options along the nature of the very four goals that are put forward to us from the beginning; mental health, emotional health, social health, and physical health. For example, I'd like to be able to input information about, say, moral identity, place in the world, purpose in life, strength of relationships, physical skills, and mental abilities just as well as fears or flaws or challenges in the unique world of each user's imagination. These are the fears and flaws and challenges our hero easily overcomes and they represent fears and flaws and challenges we're trying to overcome, too.
I'm not looking for a website to design your own avatar, because I think that would externalize the hero too much and possibly ruin the point of be ing a part of a real life game. But I'd love to be asked a few questions or be able to write out information about my secret identity to more clearly understand myself and my secret personality. Woo.
KateTW commented
I too would love the superhero/ avatar aspect to be more integrated and am enjoying building this 3 dimensional character for myself. Not a new concept, but a new venue and opportunity to play in this way.
Dominic Aquilina commented
I can't support this idea enough. I love customization and character development, and being able to use that love to help guide me toward my goals would be a very welcome change.
Korena loves Gilbert commented
I really like this idea- it's almost like my true self, the person I want to be, is being overshadowed by this lame superhero that tries its hardest to protect me in every ridiculous way possible, but it's the WRONG way, so it would be nice to give my hero some better tools so that they can help the real me, rather than put on a mask and fake it every day... If you know what I mean... Sorry for the long post!