navigation not as intuitive as it could be
Been exploring the site. I can't figure out how i got to the secret lab page from the main page!

Thanks for letting us know! The link to your secret lab is one of the icons under the SuperBetter logo in the upper-left side of the screen (the other icon is Power Packs). Hope this helps, and we’ll look into possibly making this clearer.
pgeisik commented
I can't figure out how to see my allies. I also couldn't get the tutorial to work, so I have been stumbling through the app.
Anonymous commented
Heya I also LOVE the idea for this game, but am getting very confused with the navigation. things seem to move around and menus disappear from page to page. i really want it to work but it's kind off-putting. My idea for the UI would be to make it more like a console rather than facebook. It would be kinda like you're the captain of a spaceship or something, with buttons that you would press to see your power ups, quests etc. There would be no scrolling. Maybe the graphics could be something to do with climbing a hill, like the little diagram that I saw somewhere on the site. Each person's console could be personalised and then when you went to check on your allies you would see their console. Then things could be shown more graphically, eg future boosts would be pictured off in the distance, you could actually slay bad guys and they'd disappear for 24 hours, you could get medals for your achievements which show up somewhere on your dashboard. it would also take the 'recent activity', which is not that important, away from being the main focus of the current dashboard, and move the focus more towards what needs to be done and the actual achievements. I have to say also I really love the resilience meter, it's really useful for seeing what strengths i need to work on.
egrace commented
I am finding this very difficult to figure out. It certainly does not feel like a game. What's fun about it? It's just another set of lists for me to track myself.
One idea I had is why not begin smaller and then add components after the player has had some positive experiences with the beginning phase?
Clear instructions somewhere would be nice.It is too complicated for me to recommend for clients's use.
All the same, it's a good idea.
Thanks. -
RB commented
i totally agree, it's def. not intuitive. the eye is drawn to the right, but all the navigation is on the left hand side. also, why are the pages and pop-ups designed in portrait orientation rather than landscape, i.e., why are they longest in the vertical dimension?maybe this is better for app users but it's really no good for anyone on a lap top. endless scrolling down to see stuff in order to click = rsi....
emma commented
The achievement thing is more intuitive in the app than in the web version.
ED commented
I only use the browser version since I own an Android device, but to me the UI feels more like a social media platform than a game. So far the most motivating factor had been the CGI videos, but other than that it feels like I'm logged into facebook with no connections.
I have some ideas. Hopefully one of them will be useful:
* Group quests together rather than having a messy lists
* Allow for easier removal and addition of PowerPacks (I still don't know how to remove one)
* Make it easier to get to a PowerPack screen
* Make it easier to view the details of a PowerUp instead of navigating to another page, as well allowing a user to click "I did it this"
* Do the same thing for "Bad Guys" as the idea above
* Maybe create an option for only adding Power Ups from a specific PowerPack without dedicating yourself to all the other bloated stuff like quests, etc. Sometimes we only want one PowerPack but at the same time want to add more PowerUps
* And for the idea above maybe allow users to only add one Power Up from a PowerPack. Sometimes SuperBetter should adapt more towards a persons ideal lifestyle rather than the other way around. For example, I already want to jog, read books, call friends, but lack motivation it would be better for SuperBetter to help me achieve those goals. If I could find a specific PowerUp for each I could my chores into a game. I know it's possible to make my own PowerUps, but for some reason it feels like I'm cheating. Custom PowerUps take the fun out of it.
* General ADD/REMOVE/EDIT links or buttons should be easier to get to and stand out more
* Create more CGI videos rather than just videos with Jane McGonigal talking (no offense). The CGI videos can be much more motivational and make it feel like more of a game.I personally would be more than happy with this game revolving more around PowerUps rather than quests, as long as I can find enough general PowerUps to fit the criteria of what I'm doing rather than making my own. You could make it feel more like a game like "The Sims" rather than trying to have players adapt their lives to rigid quests that often don't fit ones lifestyle.
If you guys take anything from this I would just say look at "The Sims" game in it's rawest form without the clothes, career, and houses. And start from there. Also, please go crazy with creating a wider range of PowerUps that aren't necessarily under and PowerPack umbrella. But make sure to keep the game feeling clean. Right now it gets bloated very quickly with all of the PowerPacks and it doesn't sort that information well.
Heidi commented
I love this whole concept and game but am having trouble logistically, getting around your site. At the moment I am only someone's ally (Haven't signed up with my own quest yet) and I can't figure out where to find what she's doing and where to leave her encouragements and comments. I get what I'm supposed to be doing, but don't know where to do so on your site.
Cj commented
I agree about navigation. There are several places where it says "Tap HQ at the bottom of your screen to add..." and there is no HQ at the bottom. Another place says click on the (nuclear looking) icon above and there is no icon. I work in the site on Firefox and thought it might be a browser issue, but tried in IE and got the same thing. Love this idea; looking forward to seeing the ease of using the site improve.
Anonymous commented
i love love love this idea and site! and therefore i am compelled to say it would vastly improve from some more intuitive navigation and links. listed below:
1. what purpose does the ally->dashboard serve? it seems to only show my own activities, but shouldn't it show me what my allies are up to?
2. in the to-do box, it would be great if the links for the currently-selected ally opened up their page, so you could quickly brief yourself on what their mission is/what kind of goals they're striving for before you make suggestions
3. why is there a separate secret identity page for the ally section? is my identity for friends supposed to be different from my own?i have less prominent UI concerns, but those are the biggies for right now. this is a fantastic project, thank you all so much!