Peak resilience increases with current resilience even when peak is higher than current is
My peak resilience has been 4 higher than my current resilience for the last level or two. The peak keeps increasing past what I've ever actually achieved. I've kept track, and my resilience has increased in the specific categories it seems to be adding points to, so the deficit cannot be explained by only been adding points to the other two categories. Looks like a bug to me.
Peak actually represents your maximum “potential” – not the highest amount that you’ve ever reached with your current score. We’re working on changing the wording to make this more clear :)
Anonymous commented
You would think
peak resilience registers the best ever score in a day
current resilience registers the what you scored today.What shows up is the same number for both peak and current resiliance a grand total score for which keeps accumulating as you accrue points. Which is totally useless to me to keep track of my progress from day to day.
Ambroziac commented
Hi there, I found the video on the resilience peak and current scores, and I think that (in Firefox 3.6.28) this is not displayed as intended. Whenever I get a point both scores go up. So now both "current" and "peak" are at 258, and they always keep up with eachother. I'd love to see them function as described, because it would motivate me to take more Superbetter actions per session. Good luck, thanks for the great work!
Mark commented
Oh. What does that mean? Not sure I follow.