Wider application of SuperBetter
Right now SuperBetter is targeted toward achieving physical goals, like overcoming depression, a concussion, loosing weight, becoming fit. I am working on becoming a writer. I would like to encourage myself to keep writing every day. Doing something creative like this there are days when I feel I can't do it, or what I am writing is crap. Superbetter is already set up to do this well, but I can't put it in as my epic win or goals. I wish that were fixed so people could enter in their own epic win and or goal instead of having the limited drop down.
Thank you for making this game,
You can do this by selecting “Health Goal → Other” under challenge and then filling in your own unique challenge, like “Becoming a better writer”. And Epic Wins have always been fill-in-the-blank style – we’ve already had people use it to help them finish editing their novel, for instance, so feel totally empowered to create your own epic win that’s whatever you really want to do in your life :)