Please fix the Android app - it's terrible.
The SuperBetter app is terrible. I need to vent.
I really like Super Better, and was excited to see the app available in the Android store. It was a bit more expensive than I'm comfortable with, but I thought it would be worth it.
For the most part, it is, but it has some major problems that would keep me from recommending it to others.
First, crashes. It hangs frequently, and I get a lot of notifications from my OS telling me so.
Second, content creation is very frustrating. If you switch tabs while creating a new Power-up, Bad Guy, etc., you will lose all your work. Every time.
Third, formatting problems. When text is displayed, it doesn't show paragraph breaks, so instead of helpful, readable content, you get a wall of text with no spaces! While all the problems are highly aggravating, this might be the worst.
Please fix these problems! I feel like I paid an unfair price for an app with such obvious flaws.
I tried to leave this review in the app store, and review posting seems disabled, which honestly seems like a dirty move.
I expected better. I expected Super Better.
Christine commented
The other thing the Android app seems to do is to randomly reset itself having little to do with the clock. I sometimes will finish all my tasks in all categories and a few hours later it will tell me I have three quests left to finish. The web version resets all categories at midnight, the Android app has it's own quirky way of deciding when I am or am not done. WTH?
The other thing that's disheartening is that I paid for the app and very shortly afterwards it was offered for free. Now there's a fundraiser that we're being urged to contribute to and after the new and improved version of the game comes out there apparently will be a paid and an unpaid version of the game. Will I have to pay AGAIN if I want the deluxe version of the game?