I would like to have an option to lose resilience points whenever I lose battles against bad guys
It feels wrong to win resilience points after losing battles and it makes me more likely to fail again so I wish I could lose points somehow in order to make it more discouraging, this is the only issue I have with the app and it makes me less motivated to keep using it.

david walker commented
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Kuyhaa Me commented
selain itu juga product canggih Microsoft office 2010, 2013 dan Microsoft Office 2016 turut dapat di aktivasi juga menggunakan aktivator kecil ini.Windows Server juga gak pasti ketinggalan, list nya sudah lengkap di bawah , monggo tengook.
CaveJohnson commented
I think this is a good point (lol pun not intended) I think it would cool to implement some element of danger and be able to visualize “taking damage” when we lose an encounter with the bad guys. It would also be really cool to see something like a health bar which might be a good way to incure a “loss” that is separate from the progress and power up points that we level up with. That way it wouldn’t feel like losing to a bad guy was nullifying the good we did but it would still demonstrate an opportunity for improvement and be more immersive. Another thought on this is that there could be daily trophies that depend on our encounters with bad guys. Losing would get the “battle scars” award which is worth 5 points, and then there could be “hard fought victory” worth 10 points and “unscathed” for 15. I would really enjoy and engage with any of these mechanics.
freudlady commented
I think part of getting resilience points is because you’re battling the bad guy in the first place, regardless of whether you win/lose. Building resilience comes with loss and defeat.