Add Spiritual category
Spirituality is important to my quest. I would like to see this category added. Or, allow the ability to add and name categories yourself.
I would love to add insightful quotes, meditations and spiritual challenges for myself.
I absolutely LOVED the TedTalk!

Gail commented
Spirituality, it's very important!
Benjamin commented
What a great idea!!! I would love to see this!
Anonymous commented
The lack of a spiritual dimension was one of the first things I noticed (I only joined today, but I'm a priest by profession).
Spirituality doesn't have to mean religion; really at its broadest it's about how we create meaning and invest significance in aspects of our lives. Doing so consciously is an extremely powerful aspect to building resilience, so I think it would be helpful if some way of incorporating that could be found.
tremol commented
It sounds like a "Spiritual Resilience" bar would be incredibly beneficial to some and offensive/stressful to others, with much of the community somewhere in between. I would love to see an option to turn on or off the bar (and associated power packs, if they exist) to accommodate these different groups. Even if the team doesn't want to take responsibility for developing "spirituality" power packs, I think the ability for users to create Quests, Power-Ups, and Bad Guys for spiritual issues would be a great help to much of the community, including myself.
jennyjennk commented
I DO like the "ego audit" idea tho, I must admit
jennyjennk commented
Ok first, spirituality and religion are two VERY different things and the way the app is set up you are free to choose or not choose whatever "packs" you want AND you can also make your own (but I can see where people would like to see all the info and data that comes with each pack). It's really a shame that people get so caught up in dogma and semantics.
I personally think perhaps if the "mind-body" thing were expanded, that would be extremely beneficial. Kabbat-Zinn proved that pain could be significantly reduced, concentration increased, anxiety lowered and tons of other health benefits (physical, psychological and cognitive) over the past 30+ years, as has Dr. Herbert Benson (of The Benson Henry Institute For Mind Body Studies {or something like that} in Boston).
Call it what you want. The TITLE doesn't matter-THE GOAL matters and the END RESULT.
mechanesthesia commented
Totally agree. Things like meditation, doing an "ego audit," practicing mindfulness.
salmunmousavi commented
It's a dumb idea.
beyonce commented
Shona1357 commented
Spirituality can be for everyone , agnostics , atheists and those from all religions alike. It can be what ever uplifts your spirit !
I vote for a Spiritual category . -
sarawithouth commented
I am all for people navigating their spiritual paths. I am atheist and would have no use of spiritual categories. However, a spiritual power pack may be very useful to others. I'd be in favor of that.
SuperDuperSuperBetter commented
Not appropriate or necessary. I'm an atheist. I don't want imaginary solutions, I want do deal with realty.
I, too, would like to see spirituality added to the game. It is a very important part to healing and inspiring great things. If you have everything else going in the game, what is the above all purpose? We are put here to be witnesses for Him and its difficult to do that laying on my couch with this MS at the moment. One I begin therapy I hope to get better, but without spirituality, what is our real purpose or gain if we don't use it to follow Christ?
novembrrr commented
I also would love to see a spiritual element added to this game. When the areas for improvement are only mental, emotional, physical, or social, it leaves out a very important element of my life. And I'm willing to bet there is 'science behind' the benefits of spirituality that could be applied. Even if it were an optional power pack or module it would be good.
elchuey commented
I would love to see "spirituality" included as an option in SuperBetter! As someone already stated, the term "spirituality" is general enough that it can be applied based on the what benefits the hero. However, I agree that this is something that can be very personal to each community member, so it would need to be implemented with care, as an option, and never forced on anyone. And although I agree that spirituality is already present (behind the scenes) in SuperBetter, for those seeking a truly holistic experience, having spiritual growth incorporated as a separate track, would be of great benefit. To reiterate, if this moves forward, keeping "spirituality" general and completely non-denominational is of paramount importance. To do otherwise might turn people, myself included, away.
On a personal note, I am currently struggling with trying to reconcile a lifetime's worth of spiritual confusion/turmoil. And, although I don't, and mostly likely never will, choose to believe in one particular faith/practice, the "buffet-plate" of spiritual development I'm currently working with has really helped me in more ways than I would have believed possible. My wish is that others might benefit from this as much as I have.
David Allen commented
If spirituality is useful then I see it is possible to make your own. Please keep religion out SuperBetter.
I agree with Dominic Aquilina regards relevance. -
Daniel Oates commented
The word spiritual is used by different people to mean different things. I am in favor of people creating THEIR OWN power ups etc. that can help with what they consider to be spiritual. Personally I find this to be an imagined category that is highly off putting, ostracizing, and encouraging of irrational and dependent behavior patterns.
SnowLioness commented
I I understand this desire to have a spiritual category. However this entire concept of this game is spiritual in every nook and cranny of it. So at the risk of sounding quaint, adding a spiritual category might seem like preaching to the choir. To me these existing categories I like the four Noble Truths as it is. And if you don't know what I'm referring to, then that is just a great example of why it would not add to the community feeling here. Spiritual Power Pack would make more sense under the emotional category. Just my humble opinion. And what is spiritual to one person may very well not be to another. Not only that but different spiritual exercises they come under anyone of the four existing categories, making this entire idea of spiritual category just to nebulous for any practical application to this existing framework. Keyword, nebulous, as in heavens :-)
Dominic Aquilina commented
I'd say that spirituality is encompassed by emotional resilience. Honestly, spirituality is not relevant for a great number of people, whereas the current categories are relevant to everyone in their own way. Personally, I feel the addition of a new category is unnecessary.
MagicMama commented
You are able to add your own quests/power-ups, and you can suggest them to your allies as well!