Rewards system
There are levels and achievements, but there is no existing rewards system. There's no bar you can fill to level up and no dingdingdingdingding! when you level up. I understand that you should feel the rewards in your life and not necessarily need these things, but dammit filling bars and feeling rewarded for it adds positive emotion to my life, and it serves no other master.
hsiph commented
I agree! Rewards were mentioned in "reality is broken" and I definitely believe there is a place for them every where!
mio-naa commented
I agree! My main problem with this game is that it doesn't have the addictiveness of other games, so I often forget to play it. (Of course, that may just say something about my level of commitment, hehe)
But I think that if there were more visible achievements and level-up bonuses, many people would be more motivated to stick with the program.For example, I really like games where there are collectables, such as clothing for avatars or little figurines or something. These things are available in online shops that use in-game currency, which can be obtained by completing quests and such. I think adding something like this to SuperBetter would make it much more fun to play.
Golden Goddess commented
I agree! I'd love to have a reward everytime I fight a bad guy and win and receive a motivational phrase everytime I loose the battle...just to keep going.
carileo commented
Yes! I would love to be able to set my own rewards for achieving particular goals (or a number of them anyway)!
stevebivans commented
I agree. I think adding an avatar that we could upgrade would be a fun way to visibly show progress