Accesability for website
Hello! I just wanted to say, I LOVE the premise of your app. There is nothing else like it! I felt like I couldn't do anything today, but your app totally helped!
A major issue I have with the site, however, is its lack of accessibility. I have a "thing" where bright neon lights will make me physically sick and left to recuperate for hours afterward.
I also have friends I wanted to recommend this app to friends, but the text choice makes it hard for them to read due to dyslexia. My recommendations are this:
Make the homepage less busy. I recommend getting rid of the logos at the top/moving them to the bottom,as well the quote and the photo on the right. It's hard for your webpage to have a sense of direction with those elements taking up so much space.
THE COLORS. Please, at least give an option to turn the contrast down. The neon lights HURTT. Please tone down the neon colors to be less saturated and add a dark mode. Pure white will absolutely hurt user's eyes: pastel and neutral colors are good if black isn't desirable.
Also, please add spacing/font options! Monospace works really well and looks really good for your site (using a browser extension atm). However, accesibiliy is different for everyone and I recommend that you give people options.
And if don't have it already: alternate text and subtitles for videos. This will allow screenreaders to read the words outloud to people who need them, or people who can't hear (or hear well) to follow your videos.
Thank you so much for reading, I look forward to any potential new changes!