More inclusion of mental health issues in PowerPacks and throughout the site.
I do love super better, and Id love to recommend it to more people online. I think it has work it can do to further establish itself.
I'm sure you're aware that there are numerous online communities, Tumbl being one, where people often anonymously discuss their issues and some aim to offer support and recover, but far too often the circulation of negative thinking is damaging to the whole community.
SuperBetter has the positive vibe and motivation needed to provide a helpful tool, and supportive community for those looking to recover.
Issues in particular I think could have some incorporation are Self-harm. And eating disorders. Both I believe can be incorporated into existing framework. Self harm is essentially a coping method for overwhelming emotions and so often appears with depression and anxiety. to combat it relaxation techniques, self expression, and coping with difficult emotions are tools all needed.
Eating Disorders are sort of a cross between a body positivity goal, and a healthy eating goal, but need to avoid references to loosing weight or changing appearance. instead focusing on eating, and even eating treats and desserts in moderation, as a goal. Baddies for this are thinspiration, calorie counting, obsession with weighing scales, purging.In these cases apps like myfitnesspal, and calorie counters are often used, and so a big step in recovery is to delete these. Leaving SuperBetter with a niche to fill with their healthy attitudes towards better living. With improvement in these areas I think superbetter could find themselves being recommended by various mental health charities too, if they were to get in contact.
All of these issues could do with some goals that relate to opening up and talking.
The other thing I wanted to mention is co morbidities between conditions, for example, anxiety occurs in about 50% of depression, but I cannot combine the two.
ADHD requires organisation skills, and determination, but it also gravely affects ones self esteem, with some studies saying up to 70% of ADHD suffers will seek help for depression.
Possibly if creating such a variety of powerpacks is Difficult, giving the community the change to create and submit their own with the best being featured to other users, so as to not dilute the quality of the content by allowing everyone to have their pack visible.
Oh and also an android App. But I'm sure you have people recommending that.
Thank you for reading. these are all issues very close to me, and When I blog online I find it heartbreaking how easily I can find thousands of people of all ages suffering alone, I would love to see more sites dedicated to recovery.