FYI, incomplete text
In the belly breathing step, the text is:
"How to Belly Breathe:
Lie down.
Put your attention on your breathing.
Without changing your breathing rhythm, try to breathe more from you"
(and it ends there)
J commented
Power Packs are a mixed bag in that regard. Typos, missed words, broken (outdated) links to the reference articles… It gets reported here but remains unfixed, so if some information is definitely missing, you need to google for the missing things yourself.
And if you want to keep using a particular "incomplete" power-up or quest in the future, just recreate it as a custom power-up/quest and make the description complete with the missing info that you've found. Another pro tip: for rich formatting you'd need to use html tags - <p>for paragraphs</p> <strong>bold stuff within list items or paragrpaphs</strong> and for lists it's <ul><li>list item 1</li><li>list item 2</li></ul>