Overall Upgrade
I love this idea. I've had this idea. But you guys are the ones made it and I love you for that. From a gamer's perspective, it needs a bit of a better overall navigation. For starters certain things like "To do" should ALWAYS be on the right side on all pages as someone navigates their "Status Screen"...
The activity part should list the icons of what's been done, not the profile picture. As well as a "quick activity" where someone can type in something they did and award points right on the front page. The power ups should be in a grid format (4 x4) and list what stats they raise right there. Clicking a power up awards it instantly without having to go to a separate page "double approve" something. In other words "I did this" should be right on the power ups page next to the icon. If you wanted to see the stats or description (view), that button should also be there, so both buttons should be there. When clicking on view, I don't want to scroll to the bottom to see when I last did it. It should tell me the last time i did this by "Days Ago". A written log as you go as you complete anything, quest, power up, bad guys should be added, for example, say I did a bad guy quest and I want to write a sentence or 2 about the experience to keep some sort or personal history. Right now that option doesn't exist!
The social aspect is non existent here. If I want to meet other heroes, I'd have to visit the messageboards? Why isn't there a public area where people can submit already made stuff, like a Power Up Shop or something? I don't really want to join a message board, I want everything I need to talk to other players contained within the superbetter site. Hero's Hall. Something.
Overall I love this idea, the navigation just isn't great. there is too much scrolling down and going to this page and that page and it's not laid out like your typical video game. I believe it can be done a little better using most of the stuff you already have here and I believe the more this layout is tweaked to a gamer's perspective the easier it will be to use. Thanks for reading

Dria Diamond commented
I had been hoping for a more game-like experience also. The back and forth between the pages gets tiresome. I just finished Battle Royale: Day One and that felt like work. A lot of back and forth to rate 22 symptoms on your bad guy page! I would have LOVED to have had a button that "battle" that I could have clicked to take me to a list of all 22 symptoms that I could rate all at once. And I read the quest for tomorrow and it sounds like I have to track my "most difficult bad guys"... oh how much I wish the game kept track of which ones out of 22 that I rated as most difficult and automatically put those into my day two quest. Otherwise it just reminds me of early internet days when people would put quizzes online but you had to keep track of your own answers and tally the score yourself. Makes it feel like homework instead of a game.
MaximusDecimus commented
I would love game stats, maybe not all traditional game because you are aiming for real life stats. But we should be able to level them up & maybe add a couple more! Working out could definitely be strength
EvolKitty commented
Hero's Hall sounds great as well as the power-up shop. Im also an avid gamer and feel the site if more of a to-do list then a game but as long as I get points I'm happy. To expand on Karl's idea you could have a little character icon where the current stats relate to traditional game stats like health, strength, charisma, agility, dexterity, ect. And then as one levels up they can get new gear to dress their characters. And even further the heroes hall could be a little environment where your character could walk around and talk with others. But thats getting really fancy... A simple update to the website would be great also a game style character sheet would be fun. If you look up RPG character sheet you'll find tons that you can base one off of.
Anonymous commented
These are all great ideas. I particularly like - putting the To Do list on every page, displaying powerups in a grid, the idea of a hero's hall where you can share quests, power ups etc.