Hi, I heard about your game via a Ted Talk I believe. It sounded like a good way to motivate myself for healthy habits so I've spent a little time trying to customize the site. I like the concept but I'm not feeling the value based on the current charts, graphs that I'm able to find. That to me is the whole point of doing this - visually represnting what I've achieved. And be able to see it daily for immediate gratification and then rolled up into longer timeframes. I know I can do more trackers to get more graphs available so not sure what those hold. Some unsolicited feedback from a 53yo, professional woman, working in web as a Business PM for a major financial institution constantly looking to gamify financial wellness. I'm not a UX designer or a techy - just the business liaison between the two to reach our customers.
-Like being able to customize everything about my Quests and Power ups.
-Would like to choose Quests and Power ups individually rather than in Power Pack.
-Power Packs and Secret lab icon/links not easy to find or ID. Stumbled upon them.
-Pre-loaded power ups and quests do not have intrinsically identifiable names or images. I have to open each one to learn what it means which may be what you want so you can share educational info but it doesn't work for using the game ongoing. If you mean meditate, say meditate. I need to be able to glance at my phone and click what I completed quickly.
-Landing on Activity doesn't add much value to me. I know what I did.
-Would really like a visual - like you have in a video - showing me a timeline (that Ideally I can set) and the Quests and Power ups I've achieved on my path to my Epic win on the timeline.
Sorry to bombard you. If it's helpful, great. Good luck!