weight-neutral language for eating disorder
I think that pro-weight loss language should be limited to packs that are specifically for weight-loss. Otherwise, weight-loss is always framed as a pro throughout the game, and this is a huge problem for people who have been through or are currently struggling with disordered eating. It's so common around the game to see weight loss given as an example of a health benefit, and this is really harmful for a lot of people. The game would be helpful to more people if the copy were revised to remove references to weight loss, unless people have opted to see them.

Radical Relic commented
Yes! This. It would be so powerful to use SB for ED recovery. As is, I don’t think I can use it for my concussion because it is harmful to navigate the diet talk throughout. Please make this change - at least make it possible for individuals to customize their games entirely so they can support and protect themselves.
DecemberRaine commented
Yes thank you. I can here to say this exact same thing. Glad to see it’s been brought up before, sad to see it still hasn’t been addressed though.
madeleinepetti commented
Amen!!!! I’ve struggled with bulimia for 7 years and I was hoping this app would have things for ED’s
violetmads commented
Yes. This is super important.
Sammy commented
Agreed. I love this app but it really increases my anxiety to see so many options related to weight loss, avoiding “empty calories” etc. That only plays into the disordered eating patterns that a lot of us are working to break.
pollyreynolds commented
I agree, I need support to gain weight. Too many people think it's okay to make comments regarding weight to those of us that are thin.