Make a manly version
I am a male nerd, so this whole idea of "battling" my personal struggles really appeals to me, and frankly I think it would appeal more to guys than girls in general.
That being said, I get an overwhelming sense of "cutesyness" in general from this sight. It ranges from the color scheme to the quests to the wording throughout the program even to the name itself.
Maybe it's just my generation of males which grew up with videogames, Stephen King, and internet access to every horror movie, but I think you are missing a key, demographic.Keep in mind, from a financial perspective, this is a demographic which would probably have less resistance to paying for game extras,
I'm still going to use the program, but I feel like I'm doing it in a dress.
Oh, sidenote, mental resitance points are overweight I think. If the skills are equal then I'd prefer if the points were somewhat that way. If not, I'd like to see mental in its own category.
Thanks all