Could you please add the ability to message allies!
It is really difficult to get to know your allies if you can't message them! Please add this basic functionality to the site! Thanks!
Hi there!
Thanks so much for your feedback. We’ll keep this in mind for future development, but in the meantime I’d like to suggest that you use the SuperBetter Community to keep in touch with your allies. You can create a private group there that will allow you to talk to each other. Please email me at jessica [at] superbetter [dot] com if you’d like help setting one up!
mydogtonka commented
I cannot figure out how to communicate w/ Allies. I get their emails through my email account. It comes from Super Better... .but then I just have to look up their email address to reply to them. I cannot even see their comments anywhere accept the email I get. It would be easier to not have Allys at all.... other than them suggesting things... and you have so many suggestions already... the people who know me best want to share as well and that is great.... but they have no idea how to help other than this... and it is too hard for me to email them every time.
Dria Diamond commented
Having to log out of the game to go to the forums to communicate with your ally about the game seems like a ridiculous way to communicate. Please add the ability to message allies! Seriously. Important feature if you claim that social interaction is one of the things we should be improving. Instead, you've made it almost impossible to interact with your ally in the game itself. This response is using the forums as a crutch for a problem in the game.