Doug .
My feedback
2 results found
7 votes
Doug . supported this idea ·
4 votes
Can you let us know what your ally did? Your ally needs to click the link (either from facebook or from the email), then sign up for a new account on the page it takes them to, and they will automatically be linked as your ally.
Had your ally already created an account before? If so, the two emails MUST match (the email they signed up with, and the email you invited).
Let me know – I know we’ve been running into a lot of issues with allies so I’ll try to help as best I can and please bear with us! :)
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This happened to me as well. Specifically via facebook invite the 'join as ally' link 1) did not have the custom message entered during the send invite step and 2) endless spun in a rotating "loading facebook" "loading superbetter" "loading facebook" and when it finally finished, there was no ally <-> hero binding.