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  1. Side quests: Things you want to accomplish, which have their own challenges, that are also tough.

    The existing quests are one-offs. Side quests would lead you to your epic win, but have their own win. For example: I'm battling depression. My first epic win is to clean my room and do my laundry. I also want to quit smoking. Quitting smoking would help me connect to more people, and help with my sense of alienation and help me feel less depressed. Smoking however has it's own challenges (some related some not) and is a win in and of itself.

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  2. Multiple Epic Wins?

    Can you have more than one Epic Win? Mine is really two-in-one and would be nice if I could make them separate. But if not, it still works. Thanks!

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  3. Confirm user is really "finished" his Epic WIN

    I went into the site on my ipad, and on mobile safari you don't have "hover" behavior, so when I clicked by mistake on the lightning icon, to see what it does, I finished the quest.
    This doesn't happen on the computer, because when you hover that lightning, you can see what the click will do

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  4. The basis behind choosing your epic win - gaining allies with common goals

    I watched Jane McGonigal's TED talk where she talks about saving the world with gaming and thought it was fascinating. I'd like to make my epic win something very meaningful but right now it's very general (get better in all four of the resilience categories) which makes it hard to really see my progress.

    I think it would be great if you could befriend (become allies with) enough people on SuperBetter that had common goals and you could all work together and help each other get to where you want to get.

    Just like WoW or some other game, you…

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  5. Having more than one epic win?

    There are really (at least) 2 different epic wins I'm striving for but I'm not really using SuperBetter for one of them because they are categorically different and this doesn't seem to allow for two epic wins at the same time anyhow. I can tell that SuperBetter is moving me rapidly towards my goals in the one area and the other life goal I have is falling behind because- well, it's maybe not quite as fun without superbetter... Realistically people are working on a few major life challenges at a time... This is just my two cents.

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  6. Progress Bar for levels

    You know how in WoW there are progress bars that show how far along you are to leveling up, or gaining rep with a faction? I would like to see something like that with the levels in SuperBetter. I'm currently in level 9, but I don't know how far to 10.

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  7. Epic Win Points?

    I achieved my Epic Win today and, while it is an achievement that I'm proud of in and of itself, I was surprised that I didn't get any resilience points, level changes, or anything. I thought, in Beta, we got points or something.

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  8. Goal change does not work on chrome

    On chrome, the site
    does not work. It you see the two buttons but don't get the dropdown. Worked fine in Firefox

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